Are you struggling to get the garden of your dreams? Are you looking for expert advice without redesigning your garden entirely? The Garden Ninjas remote Garden Consultation & Troubleshooting could solve all your garden problems!

Sometimes, there's an area of your garden, design or planting that you're simply not happy with. With some expert advice, these areas could completely transform your garden space's use. Garden design can also be overkill if you just want to reorder and organise your garden space without the expense of ripping it all out and starting again. This is where online garden design consultations come in.

You can spend an hour with me, Lee Burkhill, an award-winning garden designer, to help troubleshoot the space and reorder it so it works wonderfully. All within one hour online!

If you're happy with most of your garden but have niggles, or problem areas or need a burst of inspiration, then the Garden Ninja Remote Garden Consultancy Service could be just what you need!

Garden Ninja next to a garden wheelbarrow

Garden Design Consultations over Zoom/Google Meet

Priced competitively, you get an hour with me, the award-winning Garden Ninja, to help troubleshoot and resolve your garden issues. Whether it be plant choices, layout, screening off neighbours or rearranging what you've already got, it can help save you time and money. It's also far cheaper than a full garden redesign.

Features and Benefits of Garden Design Consultation Online

  • Reviews of your current garden layout
  • Discussion over niggles and suggestions for layout changes
  • Plant and border recommendations
  • Cost-effective for problem areas
  • Faster and more accessible than full Garden Design
  • Remote and from the comfort of your own home

A one hour expert consultation is £250.

Garden Ninja will email you a questionnaire and link before the web chat. Then, during your private hour, we can discuss your issues, and Garden Ninja can help sketch or provide you with gardening suggestions along with plant lists and other tips.

You get the best parts of garden design but without the time scales or price tag! Providing you with the confidence and expertise to improve your garden at your own pace and budget.

Garden Ninja book an online consultation button

If you want to book, you can either scan the booking QR code below or click the link above to book your one-to-one consultation online with Lee Burkhill today!

QR code for Garden Ninja booking
Garden Ninja Signature
Online garden design courses

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