I have a continued love affair with Ornamental grasses in the garden. I love their height, texture, movement, and long seasons of interest. They are a welcome addition to nearly any garden. Now, I know they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re open to grasses, this article will show you a […]
Read moreWatering a garden can be a time consuming and sometimes thankless task. In a heatwave, it is essential to efficiently water your plants to stop them from wilting, getting stressed or dying due to exhaustion. Before you reach for the sprinkler and set your alarm for 5 am, you may want to read this guide […]
Read moreEveryone has their preference when it comes to colour. I’m a sucker for the reds, orange and yellows of the colour wheel. I absolutely love planting up red hot colours for garden design clients bringing that feeling of summer to a border. When I started to design the #explodingatomgarden the red hot central core was […]
Read morePlastic-free gardening is a hot topic at the moment. I’ve been detailing this journey on my gardening blog and my Youtube channel. So if you want to see where it started then have a look at this playlist to get up to speed. The idea of being plastic-free in the garden can sometimes be easier […]
Read moreIt’s easy to think that increasing your hedge height, fences or trellis will bring peace and increase privacy in your garden. However, with the maximum fence height set at 2m in England. You’re only able to achieve so much with this method. I’m going to show you with a recent example of how you can […]
Read moreCreating a show garden is no mean feat. It takes months of planning, preparation and is a real consideration for any garden designer. Usually, your concept starts as a broader ‘idea’ before it is funnelled, refined and condensed into a show garden. However, memorial gardens are different, very different. They require the opposite considerations. You’re […]
Read moreIf you’re a Garden Ninja follower you know I’m passionate about supporting local businesses, especially in horticulture. These local enthusiasts hold an invaluable source of knowledge and skills when it comes to growing beautiful plants. The brilliant thing about horticulture is the willingness for us all to share our knowledge and experience with other gardeners. […]
Read moreHenchman is a British company more widely known for its incredible wobble-proof ladders, especially for people who don’t always feel stable standing 12 rungs up a ladder cutting trees and such. If you want to read more on their tripod ladders here’s my guide – they are brilliant. However, it’s not just ladders they manufacture […]
Read moreIt’s been a pretty erratic few months weather-wise here in the UK. Going from a heatwave in April to then Storm Hannah battering gardens. Not exactly ideal for tender plants and pricking out seedlings. However, by growing in a greenhouse and gardening without plastic I have at least managed to avoid any casualties so far! […]
Read moreLawn edging and strimming is one of my least favourite tasks. If you’ve followed the Exploding Atom Garden you will know just how much of last year was spent installing lawn edging. However, a tatty-edged lawn can look pretty ugly, especially if you’re going to the trouble of mowing it. There’s no point having a […]
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