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    Should I prune off blueberry flowers in the first two years?

    Good morning everyone and greetings from the South West.  Four weeks ago I asked about pruning my new blueberries which have gone crazy in this hot weather.  Lee provided essential information for winter pruning.  I have read that flower shoots should be removed during the 1st two years.  Does this mean that I have to do this next year after I have done the winter prune?  Again, I'd be very grateful if someone would claify this point.

    Many thanks,


    Hi Les

    Thanks for your question on blueberry pruning. 

    The advice to prune off the flowers in year 1 & 2 is to help focus effort on establishing a stable frame of stems and growth. 

    However I’d leave them on for a few fruits. After all why not enjoy the odd fruit in lieu of a quicker larger bush. The bush will still get to its ultimate height.

    As I always advocate go for the easy route! 

    For any one new to pruning here’s my beginners guide. https://staging.gardenninja.co.uk/prune-garden-plants/

    Hope that helps 


    Hi again Lee.  I am almost scared of winter pruning my new bushes on account of the sheer amount of foliage that has been produced (and is still being produced) since planting.  The entire centre of the bushes is filled with new growth, and there are branches heading in all directions.  I suspect I'll have be be rather ruthless and concenrate on making the bush a good, open shape, at the cost of removing a lot of new branches.  I am assuming I won't be doing a lot of damage.  Will this be OK?

    Best wishes,



    Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
    Lee Garden Ninja

    Hi Lesstrong,

    I can appreciate your hesitancy. However, left unpruned this bushes vigour will soon wain. As the centre becomes congested you risk branches rubbing and getting damaged. All of which will simply reduce the fruiting potential.

    Remember that pruning encourages growth for the most part. So although you're cutting parts of your blueberry off you're simply diverting that energy else where for more robust flowering/fruiting or growth.

    Cut out at least 1/3 to create an open goblet shape. Seen easily by looking at your palm upside down with fingers stretched out like below.


    Hopefully, that helps!


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