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Acer leaves and stems dying in September

Problem:I noticed an established Acer with 3 of its branches having dead leaves, and oddly only half of each branch was dead. 

Thoughts: I expected leaf scorch around the top of the tree but this had not occurred, perhaps something else is going on. After the dry conditions we've had I thought perhaps the tree is merely shedding or shutting down some of its growth to preserve the rest.

Solution: pruned out the dead. 

Any additional thoughts or advice on this would be great. Thank you ninjas. 

Sorry, no photo. 

Hi Dazzling!


That kind of Acer damage sounds like either wind burn/ exposure or a sudden dry spell in my experience. 

You’ve done the right thing pruning out any dead wood. It’s not going to grow back. 

Without a photo it is tricky but check the position Ie is the Acer in a wind tunnel if not then it sounds like it maybe the drought. Give it a heavy mulch of compost to give it a boost and retain some moisture. 

Happy gardening!


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