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Autumn lawn care help - lawn feed and seed advice

Hello everyone, really hope you can help me.

I started my autumn lawn care yesterday by scarifying and aerating my lawn. This is were i made a stupid mistake,  I thought i was putting down lawn seed (aqua gel smart lawn seed) but I put down miracle grow autumn and spring feed down instead!!!

I even covered it with a thin layer of lawn dressing. I didn't realise I'd done this until I was putting my tools etc away.

So I have no lawn seeds down and would like advice on what do I do next, as I'm worried if i put down lawn seeds on top of the feed it may zap the growth of the new seeds.

Any help suggestions would be very much appreciated ? 

Hi Jules37,

Oh how frustrating! But don't panic, few things in the garden are irreversible.

You have two options, to be certain you could scrape off what you've just carefully laid and then save it to be used once the grass has been established. Though this maybe a lot of work for little reward.

The second is to sow on top of this and just keep your eyes on the progress. You may need to patch up any seed that gets burnt by the fertilizer next year.

If you've put down fertlizer in place of grass seed you can still sow your seed.  As you point out too much fast release fertilizer can burn roots but I'm guessing with the miracle grow feed it will be slow release. Which may mitigate this.

What I would advise is giving the lawn as it is now a good water and leaving it for a week. This will at least take off the first wave of fertilizer as it makes its way into the soil. If it has rained that should be sufficient too. Just to help reduce any initial intensity.

I'd follow my guide for laying lawn seed here.

Do let us know how it gets on!


jules37 has reacted to this post.

Thanks Lee for your advice and I'll keep you updated 

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