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Black dots on an apricot tree

Hi. My apricot tree has black spots on the leaves. There seems to be a kind of a glue on some leaves. But it comes and goes. What is it ? How can it be treated ? Thanks

Hi @green

Could you upload some pictures please so I can assess further?

Many thanks


Unfortunately, the site does not allow uploading images due to the size.

Hi try this site to reduce there size and then reupload if you still need advice.


All the best


Well, maybe this time the image will pass.
I was able to remove this dirt with a sprinkler. But the question is what is this thing?
The tree is currently in a 28 liter container. Do you know how high it can get? I want it to be three meters tall.

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Hi @green

To be honest those leaves look mega healthy! The black dots are probably poo from a beneficial insect like ladybirds. Especially if it rubs off so I wouldn't worry about those.

Apricots are usually grafted onto dwarfing rootstock - you can read more on what a rootstock is here. Meaning they don't get too huge. Usually, 3m is the max if they're on a dwarf rootstock. They do need heat to properly produce fruit and hate being exposed. So place them in the sunniest and most sheltered spot in the garden!

Happy gardening! 


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