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Bulbous grass

Hello everyone,

I’ve noticed an odd grass growing in the garden, and when pulled out, it turned out to have bulbs. And many of them! Do you know what that is?  Does it flower?
The bulbs can be very deep in the ground, and a nuisance to remove. I was planning to dig them out, although if this plant may flower, I might be able to replant it. Is that something you’d recommend?

Thanks in advance! 

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Hi @yvonne

Thanks for your comment. This isn't a grass but is a fast growing plant known as Montbretia or Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora.

A bulb that has strap like leaves that look a bit like grass. It does have a flower which is usually orange with a yellow tinge. However, its super fast growing and can out crowd other plants if not careful compared to other Crocosmia species which are large and slower growing.

It will pretty much grow anywhere and can split and double in size every few years hence all the bulbs attached to one another.

This guide on plant types may help as well with other plants.

My advice would be to let it grow where nothing else does and flower but keep it from trampling all over the garden! Dig up what you don't want and compost them.

Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot Lee, I love the colour of the flowers - I’ll definitely keep it! Just need to keep an eye on it so it doesn’t outgrow other plants.

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