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Cercis canadensis Planting out of Forest Pansy?

Hi everyone, I’ve a Cercis canadensis that I potted into a really big porcelain pot on my patio a few years ago but I’ve now decided I think it needs to be planted into a border. I know it won’t have filled out the pot/container it’s currently in as it’s only been in there a maximum of three years. 

would it be ok to plant out now or would I risk killing it out there are any really cold months ahead and the t hasn’t got it’s Roots out and settled in? 

so should I wait until next spring to plant it out or go for it now? 

Any advice would be great. 

Hi @karlgardener0405

Thanks for your question.

You can plant any shrub from a container or pot until November in the UK as the real heavy frosts are Jan and February usually. Ideally, you plant things out in early spring or Autumn; this avoids extremes in temperature, such as frost or heat waves.

If you get it in the ground now, your Cercis will have plenty of time to establish its roots. All shrubs are better in the ground than in containers as they can establish far better and are not as reliant on you for food and moisture!

Happy planting.


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