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Choisya ternata sundance turning yellow?

Hello, can anyone suggest why my recently planted Choisya ternata sundance looks so poorly please?

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Hi @alroyrob

Thanks for your comment on what's making your Choisya turn yellow.

The quick answer is it looks like chlorosis meaning a lack of chlorophyll. This is usually caused by an absence of micronutrients iron and magnesium in the soil that the plant needs but can't access. I've discussed this very issue recently here on the forum.

It's usually either poor soil, lack of moisture so the plant can't take up nutrients or a plant struggling to source the whole range of nutrients needed for healthy plant growth from its growing condition.

What I would suggest is giving this plant a good liquid feed, maybe of comfrey tea and also a top dress of peat free compost to help address the imbalance. Then it should perk up.

Hope that helps!


Alroyrob has reacted to this post.

Thank you Lee for your reply. Although it is a yellow leaved plant (Sundance), I suspect that you are correct in suggesting that there could be an imbalance in the soil.  I have shown the pics to my local garden centre and they have told me that the plant is showing signs of frost damage ? I'm not so sure that I agree with them. There is another Choisya planted close to the poorly one which is showing no signs of damage. Which makes me wonder why 2 closely planted Choisyas are performing so differently if they are in the same soil ? Anyway, I will take your advice and see how it goes. Thanks again.  

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Hi @alroyrob

It could be as simple as a sickly plant that's been grown at the back of a big polytunnel before being shipped out to the garden centres. You may have unknowingly bought a poorly shrub.

I had the same issue with two Viburnum davidii. One now is 1.5m tall. The other bought at the same time always looks sickly (which reminds me I must get rid of the ill one finally after 3 years!!)

All the best


Alroyrob has reacted to this post.

Update.. The garden centre has offered to replace the Choisya with a Photinia (hopefully more hardy). 

Thanks Lee for your advice.

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