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Concrete path with wood chippings


I have a 5m X 0.5m concrete slab path running along the length of the garden that kinda doesn't fith with the overall aesthetic of the garden

I am thinking to cover the path with weed control fabric, secure the fabric along the length of the the path on both sides with ground staples, then cover the fabric with top soil (about 5mm) and then top it with wood chippings

This way the fabric and soil with stop any slipping when walking on the path and the path will be transformed to look much natural and in line with the garden landscape

Is this really a bad idea or do you think doable? I don't want to pull out the slabs as then I'd need to dispose of them which I don't have the means to do so

Thanks in advance for your assistance on this!



Hi @rak

Thanks for your question. The real question I'd put back to you is if the concrete path doesn't work where it is, why not relocate it to somewhere it does?

I think covering it with plastic membranes, and woodchips are just going to draw more attention to it. It will probably be more work than simply lifting and removing them. You never know; with recycling sites and Facebook, you may find someone local who will come and take them away, especially for shed bases.

The designer in me says to work out the garden layout and where you want a path rather than trying to disguise an existing one! Also, whilst your plan sounds logical, I think over time, the woodchip will spill out into the lawn or borders and start to look messy really quickly!! So I would go with bad idea! But there will be a better one in your mind, you just need to unlock it!

Hoppe that helps

Lee Garden Ninja

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