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Cut flowers growing advice

Hi, I've recently registered here. As I've already mentioned I'm new to gardening.

I love cut flowers. Before I purchased them at MyExpressFlowers every week. But now I am thinking of planting a smallish bed for cut flowers on clay soil - aspect negotiable. Can anyone recommend seeds or better still shrubs?
I would like something unusual but tolerant of benign neglect but will also go for one or two of the usual suspects. Also some advice on how to bring myself to harvest them would be appreciated!

Hello Alex,

Here are some of the shrubs that I like, and are tolerant of a clay soil. Weigela, Dogwood, Viburnum, Hydrangea, Potentilla, Pyracantha, Forsythia.

As for your requirement for cut flowers, are you thinking of sowing the seeds direct into the soil, I ask this because the soil does require a little preparation prior to sowing seed, and the conditions have to be right for germination. 

You describe your soil as being clay, therefore one thing to consider is does your soil hold water and get waterlogged? If this be the case then it may require some attention, there have been a few posts on the forum regarding soil, also I think Lee within his blog has an item about the types of soil, just a suggestion to get you started, why not plant up some containers with bulbs for spring flowers, grow your own daffodils, then over the winter months you can think about setting out your flower bed and what you want in it, I know Lee as one of his services gives planting advice, not only about plants but their prefered garden position, sun, shade and soil/growing condition. 

It would be worthwhile to consider this especially as your starting off with a blank canvas, once you get going please let the forum know how you are getting on. 





Just something else which will help, have a look on Lee's Blog, the Ultimate guide to flowers, shrubs, trees, an easy in depth explanation of these plants.


Thank you, Bob

I think the soil is of good quality. It does not get waterlogged. At least I didn't notice it. 

I'll take the time and check as many posts here as I can and check the blog.

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