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Elephant ear turning yellow and drooping

Hi 🙂
I've had this elephant ear for one and half months. 3 weeks ago it had a new leaf but recently two of its leaves turned yellow and droop, and now the other one is turning yellow too 🙁
What is its problem? How can I prevent it?
(It has suitable lighting and I I water it every 10 days. I put 20 20 20 fertilizer in its water( about one cap of bottle fertilizer in a full bottle of water).)

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Hi @el-_

Thanks for your question about Alocasia.

Alocasia, also known as Elephant Ear plant, is like a burst of tropical joy in your home! Its large, uniquely shaped leaves resemble elephant ears and come in vibrant greens with splashes of colors. With the right care, these beauties thrive indoors, bringing a touch of the exotic to your space. Just give them bright, indirect light, keep their soil moist but not soggy, and they'll reward you with a stunning, cheerful display that's sure to lift your spirits. 

Why are my alocasia leaves turning yellow?

Looking at your pictures it looks like chlorosis. Which is a lack of sunlight that causes plants leaves to yellow. It sounds like you’re feeding and watering enough. In fact I’d probably feed a bit less as it maybe over kill. 

What is suggest is moving the plant to a lighter and brighter position and pot it on into a larger pot as it looks like it’s outgrown it. 

You can learn more about plant feeds in my guide below.

Then report  back!

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