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Front yard meadow ?

Hi there! I bought a house in March of this year in the Pacific Northwest (Portland, Oregon, USA), with a small native seed meadow in the front yard - I’d guess approx 12ft deep by 20ft wide. Initially it was green and flat to the ground, but come April-June it grew lush and tall with lupine, mallow, milkweed and tall grasses! A lovely sight. Now, however, it’s all dried up, fallen, and a big ugly mess. What do I do? Help! Thank you. ???

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Hi Jenlen, 

Knowing absolutely nothing about the climate/ growing conditions in Portland, advice is very short in forthcoming I'm afraid.

From the pictures you posted the trees in the background have a slight colour change to them, an early autumnal look, what I would suggest is go visit your nearest neighbour and have a look at their garden, and compare it to your own, it certainly looks like your plants have been hit by a heatwave and also not received enough water. 

It would be great if you could let the forum know of your findings. 

Bob (UK) 


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