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Gall Mites

Hello Lee, and all the other forum members,

Lee, I am pretty sure (90%) that three of my Fuchsia’s have been infested with Gall Mites, I have removed all the leaves and stems that seemed to be damaged, and disposed of these, leaving me with three very small hard cut back Fuchsia’s.

I will keep these well away from other plants, hopefully they will slowly pick up, the plants were in a planter with other varied plants, these do not seem affected in anyway, so now I have a planter with three gaps, would it be safe to re-plant with Fuchsia’s?

I ask this because I have two planters twin planted as it were, identical plants in the same position for each planter, or would you recommend a change of plant (Fuchsia) to be on the safe side? Not having any Fuchsia problems prior to this episode, your advice would be welcomed, as the only thing I can deem from the internet is either disposal of the plant, insecticidal spray or “Fuchsia Gall Mite Sachets” do these work??

All the best



Hi Bob,

Great to hear from you!

Gall mites are a real pain with Fuchsias once you have them. Fucshia gall mites are tiny microscopic sap-sucking insects that are specific to fuchsias. It causes galling, irritation, twisting of leaves and distortion of fuchsias.

It was introduced from South America probably through plant exports back in the mid 2000's.

In my experience treatment isn't that effective and can take a lot of time. Leading to drama and more pesticides being introduced to the environment. These mites overwinter so it may be best to use another shrub for 3-4 years before reintroducing Fuchsias.

If I were you Bob I'd use a better control method of maybe choosing a shrub that doesn't get affected by the mite to save yourself drama. I know Fuchsias are gorgeous but why not look at similar-shaped plants like Penstemons or Phygelius (common name the Cape Fucshia but no relation)

I hope that helps!


Many thanks for your reply Lee, I have a couple of Fuchsia's that are ok in a front garden planter, I'll keep an eye on those, but at the end of the season I'll as you say, plan with different plants.

Best Regards


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