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Gardenia growing misshaped leaves

Hello everyone, sorry in advance for my English language as it not my first . I’m facing very strange growing on my gardenia plant, before all of this happend it had severe root rot and drop all of  the leaves and dried. After some time surprisingly  it started regrow. One side of the plant growing normal leaves but in other side growing misshapen leaves. In the beginning  I thought it will eventually grew out to be normal, but it continues growing same crumble leaves. Should I remove it or leave it because I’m scared it can be  harming the plant , I will attach the photos for comparison. Thank you!

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Hi Dovil888,

If you are in any doubt, myself, I would just cut off the damaged leaves, make sure the plant is not over or under watered, have a look and see if you can see any pests on it, once you have checked the compost, you want it moist, not wet or dry, give the plant a misting, getting the right humidity helps.


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