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Gardenia in distress


I am Julia from Iceland. I've had an indoor gardenia for 3 years and it seems to be growing well, springing new leaves, etc., but the older leaves have strange holes poked in them. At first I suspected of my cat, as she sometimes attacks plants at night, but the damage is quite extensive so I am not sure anymore. I can't see any signs of pests (other than the cat). It is in a self-watering pot and under direct sunlight. This has been going on for a long time and I am running out of ideas, any help from the Garden Ninja and community would be really appreciated!

Thanks! 🙂 

Hi @sireres

Oh dear, that houseplant doesn't look happy does it!

My first advice based on those pictures is they are teeth or claw marks, looking at the position of them and the fact they are mid-leaf. So I believe it's probably your cat, I'm afraid.

Those marks look a bit similar to leaf miner, which causes track marks over leaves.

What are leaf miners?

Leaf miners' damage is caused by the larvae of some moths, flies, sawflies, or beetles on plants. Causing these veins or tracks which makes them look a bit like slug trails.

These flying pests lay eggs on the underside of leaves during the spring or autumn usually. Then the leaf miner larvae emerge and eat the chlorophyll in the plant when they hatch from the eggs. This stunts the plant and also can cause leaves to turn yellow with chlorosis.

However, I don't think this is the issue with your plant. I'd advise you to protect if from your cat or, as an idea, place a scratching post next to it, which may be more appealing for your feline friend! If you manage to protect it, it will recover. Just give it a liquid plant feed to help boost its vigour again! You can find more on those below.

Happy gardening


sireres has reacted to this post.

Thanks so much for the reply, Lee! 

I will follow your advice and do a better job at protecting my gardenia from the predator. 

All the best from Iceland,


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