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Growing Gaura plants from seed & overwintering?

We successfully grew gaura from seed which has blossomed really well within our planter.  As we use these planters for tulips, we need to lift the gaura and plant out in the beds.  As we are redesigning the beds, can we pot on the gaura and overwinter? 

If so, how best to do it?  Thank you.

Hi Ridgewood,

What a good question! I love Gaura and have grown Gaura lindheimeri from seed myself. It's not the fastest or easiest to germinate so well done on that for a start!

Gaura is a great plant for mid to late-season interest. Slow to start each year it seems to burst upwards from its relatively diminutive crown at the base of the plant. Its nickname is Bee Blossom and with my honey bee hives, I can see why. They love it.

Gaura is a perennial that comes back year after year. The best time to overwinter or move it would be now in Autumn. They won't like being moved each year though so I'd relocate it somewhere in the ground and maybe take a plant division every few years which can then spend their first year in your container before being moved.

The alternative is to layer the container with the bulbs under and around the Gaura. They will make their way up just fine and shouldn't cause too much trouble!

Happy growing!

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