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Geraniums that are red in the garden? Weeds or plants?

Hi there! I’m not terribly green fingered, but I do try! Every year these geraniums pop up and provide a short display before turning red and dying! No idea what type they are.. I didn’t plant them.. but why do they go red and die back?

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Hi Sharon,

Welcome to the Garden Ninja gardening forum run by myself and a host of other expert Ninjas.

The plant you're referring to is also commonly known as Herb Robert (a weed to some and delight to others). Herb Robert's true name is Geranium robertianum. Part of the Geranium family. It has blood-red stems and can be quite short-lived. It's great for shady awkward dry spots so can be a real winner of a plant for those garden spaces. Herb Robert has small crane's-bill pink flowers and pungent foliage which can put people off.

It's classed as a weed as it will quickly colonise derelict sites and open ground. I love it as it self-seeds everywhere and is easy to pull up and weed out where it's not wanted. Some people hate the cat wee smell it sometimes has but it's great for bees and insects.

So if I were you, I'd keep it.

Happy Gardening!


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