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Getting rid of Greenflies

Good afternoon, I need help with my roses planted as bare root late last year. Noticed today they are full of green flies not sure where to start getting rid of these. I live in the countryside near a farm and all my neighbours have said they always get these every year(I’m fairly new to country living)

Hi @lynnem1

Firstly welcome to country side living. While greenflies, rabbits and deer maybe new found pests, lets take a moment to be thankful for how lucky we are to have countryside outdoor spaces! I, too, felt a bit overwhelmed by the new host of issues I was dealing with when I 'left urban gardens' for the great countryside! But don't panic; I've got some advice for you!

The way I deal with greenfly is twofold. I either use companion plants that greenfly hate the smell of or home made sprays.

Companion plants to deter greenfly

The first is the companion plant Chives. Greenfly will avoid these and other garlic oniony smells like the plague! Chives are super easy to grow from seed, and once you've got some, you'll have them forever, as they are prolific self-seeders.

The second is Marigolds also known as Tagetes. Yes, they are a bit brash and hard to plant with but they deter many flies and other plant pests with their strong scent.

Home Made Green Fly Spray:

The other method is to make your own non-toxic fly spray. You can either mix 1/10 washing up liquid with water and spray it over the flies, which blocks their breathing spiracles, effectively suffocating them.

Or you can brew your own garlic spray, which stinks and causes them to go else where! Simply crush an entire bulb of garlic. Stew with 500ml of water. Then strain. Add to a spray bottle and spray said plants each week so the greenfly never take up residency.

Here are some other guides to help with rose pruning and my bareroot rose guide for other new gardeners.

Hope that helps, and enjoy your gorgeous roses!


Lynnem1 has reacted to this post.

As always thank you so much Lee for your fountain of knowledge.

I absolutely love living in the countryside now 😊

That’s fantastic thank you so much for your help I absolutely love your work 😊

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Thanks so much Lynne,

I always love to hear back from Ninjas that my work is helping them. It makes all the effort worthwhile!
Happy gardening!

Lynnem1 has reacted to this post.
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