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Horse/mares tail


This nasty weed is in force in my garden now, is it better to dig this weed up or burn it due to the rhizomes spreading it about. I know this has been answered before but wondered if burning is better? 

Hi Lin53, 

I would suggest burning it if you can, also beware as I think this has a deep tap root, which must be removed, it's one of those weeds that if a small piece is left behind it will grow again, therefore I think a bit of careful digging is advisable, I am not sure if this weed would suffer total die back if you completely covered the area in black plastic excluding light? Hopefully Lee will pick up on this an give his expert advice on the subject, sorry I cannot be more definate.


Hi Lin53,

I've just remembered, I think ?? somewhere I have seen or read from Lee's Blog or Videos, he uses a heat gun on any weeds that he finds, as he gardens organically, whether this treatment will do the job I'm not sure, hopefully Lee will advise when he can, it may be worth looking into the possibility of hiring one and giving it a go, even if you have to give it the heat treatment a few times, also I have heard of some home made treatments, Vinegar, Vinegar and Salt, watering the weed with Boiling Water.

So the question is open to all the other Ninja's, how do you rid your garden of weeds, is it safe, and does it work?

Love to read your answers on this subject, all the best folks.


Hi Lin53, 

I've just been browsing Lee's Videos on You Tube, video's on weeding are on his You Tube site.


Thank you for your replies Bob, it’s popping up all over the place now like crazy so I’m just going to burn it as it’s too back breaking to cope with digging it out also just when I’ve dug some out more pops up as it is determined to survive, or just keep ripping it out every chance I see.  I am a housing trust tenant  and although the garden is mine for the duration of my tenancy and it has some nice shrubs in it, I’ve done a lot of cutting back of dead shrubs, but Im loath to go through all the expense of using weed membrane as I have read it grows underneath this anyway although it did cross my mind when I acquired the garden. I know I’m going to have this problem year on year as the garden next door is unkempt by the tenant. I will probably just do a cosmetic job every spring because if it was my own private garden I would completely have the whole border dug up.  I’ll just be out there with my weed burner zapping it. 

Hi Lin53,

Go zap it with your burner and just think "stress relief" 🙂  hope all goes well



we had a terrible time with Nate’s rail when we first moved in - I gave just systematically cut off at ground level -! Never pulled out other than first year when I didn’t know what else to do. It seems to have starved the root as no leaves - no photosynthesis- not an instant fix but it grew less each year and now we hardly ever see it - good luck x

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