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How to feed plants and when?

I am very enjoying my tentative steps at gardening, but I'm confused about feeding.  My raised beds are planted but look very sparse while I'm waiting for them to grow.  I'm going to put bark chips down but don't know how and when to feed them, or what to feed them.  I've watched the NPK video (which is easily the most understable chemistry lesson I've ever had) but what ratio do I need?  And should it be soluble feed or raked in?  I'm also a bit wary as I've read many internet story's of some people's plants all dieing when fed.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  

Hi @kerry59

Thanks for your comment on plant feeds, as many people get completely confused. I'm like my NPK guide to plant feed helped. Have you also watched or read my 'Ultimate guide to plant feeds' guide or YouTube video?

What I'd advise is that only excessive feeding will kill plants, i.e. if the concentration of synthetic feeds is basically left on top of the soil without being watered in where it is left to burn plants.

Plant feed won't speed up plants' growth. This is one of the common misconceptions. It just lets them grow to their full potential. So if you've only planted things this year, it will take a year or so for perennial plants, trees and shrubs to develop. You simply can't expedite this! Enjoy the process of watching them grow and learning about these plants along the way.

For a raised bed the best feed is a peat free compost mulch. Read more on mulching here.

I only feed plants when they are actively flowering, providing fruit or doing something. For all other times, I mulch. It's more cost-effective and means you're not flooding the soil with excess nutrients that then leach into sewers and water courses, harming aquatic life.

I wouldn't panic too much just enjoy the growth from both you and your plants!


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