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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

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Hydrangeas- to prune or not to prune?

I have three small hydrangeas should I prune them? When should I prune them? How much should I prune them? Thank you ?


Have a looksee on Lee's You Tube Videos, a complete video on cutting back/pruning hydrangeas, I have several in my garden, some in the soil some in containers and I never cut back until the frosts have gone, sometimes I will remove a lot of the stems from the middle of the plant, cutting back to ground level to thin it out slightly, other times will just cut back to the new growth, I leave the flower heads on all over winter, and so far so good.



Thanks Bob for the advice and reference to my Hydrangea pruning guide. It's been quite the hit on Youtube with over 430,000 views!!

Here's my detailed hydrangea pruning guide which shows you step by step everything you need to know about Hydrangea pruning.

Good luck and enjoy the process!

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