Welcome to the Garden Ninja Gardening Forum! If you have a gardening question that you can't find answers to then ask below to seek help from the Garden Ninja army! Please make your garden questions as specific and detailed as possible so the community can provide comprehensive answers in the online forum below.

Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

Garden Ninja forum ask a question

Posting Rules: This space is open for all garden-related questions. Please be polite, courteous and respectful. If you wouldn't say it to your mum's face, then don't post it here. Please don't promote, sell, link spam or advertise here. Please don't ask for 'cheeky' full Garden redesigns here. They will be deleted.

If you need a garden design service, please use this page to book a design consultation. I will block anyone who breaks these rules or is discourteous to the Garden Ninja Community.

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L-shaped Garden Design


I've moved recently into a new build home and have an L-shaped very plain garden which consists of a small patio and path that leads around the side and back of garage to a shed with the rest being lawn. 

I am hoping to plan my garden myself but struggling to think of a focal point for this garden. Any advice on L-shaped gardens? 

Hi Kimberlina,

Thanks for your question on garden focal points. For 'garden design requests' like this please refer to my services page where booking a one-hour consultation would be more suitable.

That way you can get tailored help specific to your gardens:

  • Aspect
  • Soil Type
  • Planting scheme preference
  • Functionality
  • Personal Style

I look forward to hearing from you!


Online garden design courses

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