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    Lemon verbena pruning and feeding in pots

    Good morning all,

    On my south facing balcony is a three year old Lemon Verbena, in winter I store it under the roof where it stays cold but not freezing. In spring I cut it back to a few stubs and it always comes back beautifully. 
    In the last few weeks there have been discolorations developing, the leaves are not curled or wilting but this brown mottled appearance is spreading and has me worried. I thought perhaps bacterial leaf spot but it doesn’t look typical. 
    any insights would be appreciated.


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    Hi @stig

    Thanks for your question on Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora) and why it’s getting brown spots. 

    Let’s take a quick look at the conditions Lemon Verbena needs to thrive. 

    Growing conditions for Lemon Verbena

    • Full sun
    • Free draining soil
    • Hardiness L3 Ie survives down to -1 degrees c and needs protection if not
    • Summer pruning to remove 1/3 of growth or shape the subshrub 

    If I were you I wouldn’t hard prune this shrub each year as it’s going to take a lot of nutrients and effort to regrow each year. I’d simply tidy it up and then protect it from frost over winter. Looking at those brown spots in my experience it’s lacking in certain nutrients such as nitrogen and or magnesium. Especially if it’s having to regenerate each year. 

    I’d give this plant a good feed and tweak your pruning regime each year to just tidying it up. My guide below will help you work out which feeds best for you. 


    Let me know how you get on!


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