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Mushrooms growing in new house plant!

Hi everyone, 

I messaged the lovely Lee on Instagram earlier and he advised that I should ask my question here. Thanks again, Lee! 

I bought a new house plant a few days ago, a Dracaena, and it’s sprouting mushrooms in its soil. I watered it as soon as I got it home as the soil looked quite dry, but otherwise I’ve kept it in the shade and within the temperature range it advises (8-25 degrees). 

Any advice on treating unwanted fungi? Photo attached. Thanks all 🙂 

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Hi @meganhawes

Thanks for your question on getting rid of fungus from house plants.

The good news is this is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried about. It actually shows really good soil or compost health! The fact that some harmless fungi are growing means there's a beneficial series of bacteria in the pot that are all cohabiting. Lovely stuff for soil and nutrition. You can read and watch more on soil here and how complex and fascinating it is!

I wouldn't worry about it. You can always pick them out. The chances are once they die back, you'll probably never see them again. They'll be the fruit from some fungus that has found the right condition to try and propagate. So enjoy the fact your house plant is part of a wonderful series of beneficial ecological variations!

(My last tip is to only water the Dracaena sparingly, after all, it is an African plant used to warm and sporadic watering conditions! Some guides say to keep it moist but I wouldn't be too concerned I water mine once a week and then let it dry out)

Happy gardening!


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