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Odd looking Fatsia Polycarpa


I took pity on a sad looking plant in a local garden centre and bought it home thinking I could rescue it but a few google searches have not helped identify the issue. I’ve yet to plant it out but it was partially outdoors under a plastic roof at the garden centre. It has strange patterned leaves at the top, almost like a variegated style and green leaves as the bottom and a few coming out of the middle at the very top. I attach some photos. Will it be ok if I do plant it or does it need some drastic help? Any advice welcome. I’m very new to gardening too so any help would be much appreciated! 

many thanks 


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Hi @tara2023

Thanks for your question asking about identifying a Fatsia polycarpa, which has long slender like fingers on the leaves. A rather rare Fatsia compared to the large glossy leaves of the Caster Oil plant.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the plant you've bought doesn't look like a polycarpa species but a Fatsia japonica. 'Spiders web' as the cultivar to be exact hence the white variegation on the leaves. The lower older leaves lose this variegation before dropping off as they get older.

Hope that helps!


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