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Formative Pruning of against a wall or trellis

I've just watched your pruning wisteria video which was brilliant - it explained the 6 bud/3 bud Summer /Wimter pruning method and why it's done. It was really well explained and i can't wait to give it a go but one thing it didn't cover was pruning to train the wisteria against a building.

My wisteria has never been pruned so it's got very wild and unkempt. It's also grown out - away from the house and I am just wondering how I should prune it so that it sits more flush to the walls?

Hi Glyn,

Many thanks for your kind words about my guides to Wisteria pruning. It's a plant that has a lot of people flummoxed when it comes to pruning!

To initially train a wisteria my advice is to still follow the 6 and 3 rule but keep a lead strong stem. Allow this to grow longer each year which it will from the tip. Even if the top is cut the next lateral down will then take over as the leader. It's this main shoot or shoots if you have a really vigorous plant that you can then train and focus onto a framework. Wall training usually works better with 3 leaders whereas in an arch or pergola it is better to have 1 in my experience.

You can read more on pruning and how your cuts determine growth lower down the wisteria here. Just remember whatever you cut off will focus growth on the next bud (buds) lower down. So you can use this to your advantage when training!

I hope that helps!

Happy gardening


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