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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

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Quick growing evergreen shrub

I'd like a 'buget' priced evergreen shrub that is quick growing and fairly tall. Do you have any suggestions?  Thanks

Hi Juliet

Welcome to the Garden Ninja gardening forum!

Ok the hands down winner is a Cherry Laurel - Prunus laurocerasus. However it’s a bit of a shame that you have a space for a shrub but want something that may turn into bit of a bland blob given budget or the fact it needs to be evergreen.

This is an opportunity for something wonderful to make an appearance in your garden. So have a look at these two as contenders that won’t break the budget but may offer up some wow for your garden. They pretty much will grow anywhere!

1. Viburnum opulus - the Guelder rose which drops its leaves but is fab for wildlife and 3 seasons of interest. 

2. Mahonia aquifolium - really underrated shrub. Evergreen and wonderful yellow berries for birds  

Just as food for thought Juliet. You can also read more on plant types to help broaden your search with my guide below!

Happy gardening!



Photinia is nice and lots of different varieties with colour

Lee Garden Ninja has reacted to this post.
Lee Garden Ninja

Good shout!  Another great evergreen shrub that's relatively quick growing.

Though one thing to bare in mind with Photinia (Common name Red Robin) is that it doesn't like exposed or windy conditions. Unless sheltered they do tend to look threadbare pretty quickly!

Happy planting!

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