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Root damage when repotting Acer tree

Hi there happy Sunday morning , yesterday I stupidly removed an established acer from its pot using a saw as it was soo well stuck inside. The acer is around 1.5  x 1.5mtr and was very pot bound. I noticed that the saw around the roots had dawn in around 1-2 inches at the sides I Love the tree and hope 🙏I’ve not done too much damage !😫 any advice to reassure me please , or what actions to take many thanks . 

Hi @dustygem

Great question on how to re-pot an Acer. I've already discussed in detail here the steps for lifting and moving an Acer in the forum.

Don't panic if you've cut through the roots when trying to get an Acer out of a container. It will actually stimulate the Acer to grow more roots, believe it or not!

Root pruning is often done to help control growth in certain plants, and when I report pot-bound plants, I always tease with my fingers and then slice through the roots. It helps the plant put out more roots, which helps it establish itself, so don't panic. Just make sure you keep the newly potted Acer watered at least once a week until it starts to put on leaf!

Happy Gardening.

Lee Garden Ninja

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