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Seed sowing this year

Hi Ninjas

Sorry for the long post firstly but I'd love to hear others experiences on this and any explanations!

Back in March/April I sowed 200+ seeds (mostly all annuals; cosmos, carnations, sunflowers, geraniums, morning glory, marigolds etc).  Nearly everything came up but they all got leggy very quickly and so some ended up on the compost heap and others i gave away.  I decided i must have planted them too early so sowed them all again in April/May but literally nothing grew and the 10 or so they did have remained very small.  I used the same seed, compost, growing conditions and even pots/trays. The seeds I've sown direct outside have also done terribly - sunflowers, wildflowers, poppies etc - I even ended up reseeding patches on my lawn 5-6 times before I got any to grow.  

Strangely, the garden itself is flourishing - roses, crab apples, hostas etc are all doing there things and getting very big so what is going on?

Hi @tankboy74

It's great to hear you're sowing from seed; it's a great way to get to know plants. However, it can be a bit temporary, especially if you don't follow the recommended timings.

It could be a number of things that have caused your second attempt to stall. The biggest factor in seedling germination is the conditions of:

  • Temperature
  • Moisture
  • Light.

Without knowing where you have been growing these, ie greenhouse or window ledge, it's hard to advise fully.

What I will say is that changes in temperature affect germination quite considerably, along with the growing media. Normal compost does work for seeds, but seed compost (which is far lower in nutrients) usually works better.

Make a note of whats changed so you can learn for next year. Other advice includes not overcrowding your seedlings when sowing them, as you always end up with more plants than you have space for! Go for sowing fewer seeds earlier in the year, ie March rather than June, when it's a bit late to catch up for most 'annual' plants

Don't give up, but learn from what's worked and what hasn't.

Happy growing


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