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Seeding a patchy lawn

So we want to fill patchy areas of grass and level off the whole garden. Plan is to put new top soil on top of the old grass (we have clay soil). 

It will be about 2 inches in places and 4 inch in others so some of the current grass will show. The plan is then to reseed it all.

How is best to go about this, should we remove all our old grass first or keep the current grass and add the new seed on top? Will the seed take with old grass underneath?


jamesa has reacted to this post.

Hi @jeff1991

You know I get asked this question all the time from gardeners 'How can I repair an old bumpy patchy lawn?'. I can see why you would want to do that. It feels a lot quicker and easier than lifting turf.

I'll caveat my advice that whilst it's possible to just overseed, throw some soil down here and there and then level a patchy lawn it's often more trouble than relaying or scarifying the lawn first. Preparation is always key so whilst doing all this work scarification should be the very least you do first if you're not going to lift the lawn.

If I were you what I'd do is scarify the lawn in late March. Hire a scarifier and give it a good going over to encourage new growth. I would then level and fill the dips with decent top soil before over seeding after scarifying. Make sure you level this with a rake and then compact by foot.

Next I would over seed the entire lawn. Water and put some canes and plastic bags up to scare of the birds. Follow my video guide for laying a lawn below to show how to level and then compact the area by foot.

This is the best way to fix a lawn in this state other than lifting and relaying fresh turf. Use a turf cutter to save your back.

It really depends on how big the area is. Smaller gardens often benefit from lifting the turf, then levelling (composting old turf under a hedge by placing it upside down) and then laying fresh turf. With larger gardens, this can be very expensive.

I would never advise laying lawn turf or rolls of turf, just soil over an existing lawn. The original lawn will grow through, it will starve the seed or new turf of moisture and cause all sorts of drama in the new lawn establishing. I've seen gardeners try this time and time again and the new lawn even if it does root, never looks right and struggles.

Hopefully, that helps and let us know how you get on!


I’m about to do something similar to Jeff. Be keen to know how he got on.

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