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Sick mature bottlebrush (callistemon)

Hi folks,

I have a mature (10 years) bottlebrush in my urban backgarden that is looking very sick.  I'm in London. 

We had a late bout of snow in February / March and I noticed that some of the foliage at the top of the tree (where snow had settled) had turned reddish / brown.  Fast forward 3 months and larger sections of the tree started to dry out and then die, accelerating over the past month.  First the foliage turns red, then the branch dries out.  When turning red the leafs show lots of small dots.   I have also noticed that the bark at the bottom of the tree has split and what looks like mould has developed in the gap between the trunk and the bark.

I am thinking there could be multiple things going on here (first the cold shock, then perhaps a fungal infection) but any help to try and save this much loved plant would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance.




Hi @ciccobombay

Thanks for your question. Bottlebrush or Callistemon are native to Australia and whilst hardy here in the UK extreme frosts can kill them. 

Looking at your picture it seems like the frost has caused damage to the branches and also cracked open the main trunk of the shrub. This in turns led to an adventitious fungus setting up home. It’s probably stealing nutrients and zapping the shrub of its energy. Hence the fact that new leaves die back so quickly. It can’t take up enough moisture and feed to sustain them. Especially with this heat wave we’ve been having. 

It maybe that it will slowly recover if it gathers enough strength. I suspect though it will continue to be weakened until it dies off completely. Not the news you want. 

If you want to give it a chance give it a good bucket full of water. Every 3 days so it’s got enough moisture. Also add a liquid feed wait some plant food. You can read more on plant feed here. 

Hope that helps!


Thank you Lee for the prompt reply.

Do you think the fungus could be treated in any way - anti-fungal treatments (that don;t end up killing the other plants 🙂

Thanks again

Hi @ciccobombay

Looking at it I doubt it. That open wound is never going to fully recover based on my experience. Sorry to be the barer of bad news!

All the best


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