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Small tree suitable for small South facing garden

Hello, I am new to gardening and I am  enjoying adding plants to my small (8 x 12 m) garden. The garden is south facing, half grass, half decking (lengthways) in West Yorkshire. I would love to plant a small tree or shrub against the boundary back fence (6m wide 2 m tall) to provide some privacy while not getting too big or causing too much shade. I've seen the Cercis Forest Pansy which I love the striking red colour or a birch but I know its about right plant, right place. The back fence is in dappled shade as in the afternoon my neighbour's trees blocks the sun.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. 

Hi @dragon19

Thanks for your question. There’s so many questions about small garden trees and which is best for which garden. 

I always come back to the same advice. Check the garden aspect and the soil type first. Given you’ve got a sunny south facing garden you’ve got plenty of options. Then choose a tree that offers seasons of interest and blends well with the theme of the garden.

The Cercis is always a lovely tree with it’s a heart shaped leaves.

Another good choice for full sun is a Hoheria. Wonderfully aromatic white flowers in July and well behaved.

Make sure you have a look at this reply on other small garden trees.

This video should help you plant which ever tree you pick as well. 


Happy gardening


Dragon19 has reacted to this post.

Thank you so much for the advice and direction to the other helpful post! 

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