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Care Home Gardening: Starting from scratch

hi all. Im new to this site. So firstly Hello. 

I've just got a job as a part time gardener in a care home.  The gardens are huge but mostly lawns and no flowers. I need to start cutting out borders n I've loads n loads of flower seeds. I have very little budget hence I have to grow all flowers myself. The thing is where do i actually start! All advice welcome. Thank you 

Hello Allison, 

First of all "sorry" I'm not going to be too positive on your enquiry.

Your comment "The gardens are huge but mostly lawns and no flowers. I need to start cutting out borders"

First thing on your agenda, what do the proprietors of the care home require as a garden, how do they want it to function, such as the guest's walking on paths meandering through flower beds, regarding guest care and regulations, is there a compulsory required "width for wheelchair" users? Is there a requirement for a quiet seating areas under trees, this would be nice if there are any trees in the garden? 

If the gardens you say are huge, it may be nice for the guests, depending on funds for a patio, creating a seating area with enough space for tables as well, a spot for afternoon tea??? 

Your on a budget, with only seeds to grow flowers from, so you are going to need a greenhouse, and a few cold frames, these for seed germination and hardening plants off prior to planting out. 

Congratulations Allison on getting the job, but it sounds a big undertaking but don't let this put you off, with your budgerty restraints it is not going be a quick job. 

But what you are going to need is, and with all due respect to your gardening skills is some idea of what the owners require, and a definate collaboration with Lee regarding his professional services, some of the reasons are. 

There are big areas of lawns, so the light seems OK, are there any shady areas where the soil is "dry" it's no good planting Astilbes or Hostas there, an area where Lavender would look nice, but the soil holds to much moisture, so Lavender is out of the question, what is the soil type, sandy, clay? 

Please don't be put off by all these factors, it's all a step at a time, and starting out with a blank canvas is great, inform your boss about "your idea" of getting a gardening TV personality to design and suggest planting plans for the care home, can only say yes or no! 

Plus it would be good on the care home's advertisements, all the details about the care homes interior, staff care etc and extensive gardens designed by TV Gardener Lee Burkhill. 

Just to let the Ninja community know, I like yourselves, I am just a forum member, nothing to do with Lee, and anything I put on the forum are purely my thoughts, and I hope that any question I answer gives some assistance, therefore Allison go for it, take your time, and please let the forum know how your progressing. 

All the best Bob








Thanks for replying Bob. You've given me a lot to think about.  

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