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Tomato plant won't put forth fruit


Thanks for reading my question. I live in a condo and every year I grow three or four cherry tomato plants in pots on my balcony. This year i have three. Two of them are doing great and are full of blossoms and fruit. The third one which is the largest of the three has been blossoming for weeks but as yet there is not a sign of fruit. I am concerned at this and wonder why no fruit when it's  neighbors are producing. They each get equal amounts of sun and I water all three regularly.  Many thanks for your replies.


Hi @eternityroad

Great question about how to grow tomatoes and make sure they fruit!

It sounds like your tomato plant may be suffering from a lack of pollination. Each tomato plant will need an insect or human intervention to make sure it cross-pollinates itself.

One way to do this is to get a small paintbrush and dab each flower to transfer pollen onto the brush. Then dab other flowers all over the plant. This will make sure they get pollinated and then fruit!

Also check it's getting enough sun and water too.

Hope that helps!

Thanks. Will try it.

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