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Trimming shrubs and bushes

Hi everyone,

I have a number of bushes/shrubs in my garden. My picture this app has told me they are Japanese laurels, evergreen spindles, privets, contoneaster, common box - I have to say though the app is not always accurate. The only thing I know for sure is they’ve kept their leaves all winter 🙂

They are all in desperate need of a hair cut and I’ve read many different things online. 

can I cut them now or do I need to wait- concerned if I wait too long the birds might nest in them. 

Many thanks in advance, 


Hi Christie, just a suggestion, make a note of the shrubs that you definitely know the name of, I know that Lee uses Google Lens for plant identification, try this and see if this corresponds with your app?

Should you not be able to identify a shrub or shrubs post some images on the forum, I’m sure help will be forthcoming, include the names of shrubs your sure about, again sure that advice can be given.

Don’t worry about nesting birds it’s to early in the year for nesting, but very thoughtful of you to think about the wildlife, check out Lee’s Blog and You Tube Videos, there you will find vid’s on pruning.



christie has reacted to this post.

Hi @christie

Bobs advice as always is great! I’d wait until you know exactly what is what before pruning. 

As a general rule you can prune deciduous plants (that drop their leaves in winter) during the dormant winter months. Evergreens are best pruned mid to late spring. 

Have a look at my detailed beginners guide to pruning here to help. 

Below is a video guide explaining winter vs summer pruning on an apple tree. 

Happy Gardening!


Many thanks both! 

I’ll hang on a while, I was worried about the birds but I’ll just be careful. 
My garden’s beautiful and huge but I’m new to it so learning as I go and trying my best not to kill it as it’s been so well looked after by its previous owners. 

I have watched lots of your videos and will keep doing so. 



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