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Verbena Bonariensis seed sowing help

Hello all,

I bought seeds for this and sowed them earlier in the year.  They really didn't come to anything in the time stated on the packet but I eventually put them out in the greenhouse and, with the warmer weather, they've romped on.

I've planted a few but as they were so late in starting, they haven't flowered and I'm wondering if I need to do anything with them come Autumn please?  I'm hoping to get some more in the ground in the next few days as well.

Very many thanks 

Elaine S

Hi Elaine,

Great to hear you're growing plants from seed! It's a wonderful part of gardening magic and is a cost-effective way of bulking up your borders!

Verbena bonariensis is a fantastic late-season herbaceous perennial that adds airy height to a border. It's also a magnet for butterflies and beneficial garden insects. 

As Verbena is a late-season plant I'm not surprised it's taken a while the show itself when growing from seed. Most herbaceous perennials grown from seed have longer germination periods, some up to 6 weeks believe it or not. Unlike annual seeds which only grow for one year so have to get a move on pretty quickly!

With herbaceous perennials they usually only flower from year 2 onwards when grown from seed so that's normal for them to be a bit short and twiggy in year one. This is the year they establish their roots before being settled enough to flower.

Next year I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the result. Also, Verbena prolifically self-seeds as well so keep your eyes out for their distinctive ribbed leaf and square style stems in young seedlings in the garden!

For anyone wanting to grow from seed here's some more help. It's a wonderful way to bulk up your garden on a budget and reduce your carbon footprint.

Happy Gardening! 


Thanks ever so much Lee.  I'll get planting and leave them to do their thing.  That's as long as our nocturnal visitors stop digging them up ? ?

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