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Where do you buy seeds?

Hello, I am a newbie for gardening. But, I want to plant Lily Bulbs. But I have a problem, the seeds which I found are white Lilies, but I want Lilies with red colour. Also, do you have any piece of advice for me?

Hi ya Kimbeds,


Pleased to give you a few names.

Lilium Miss Feya

Lilium Martagon Pink

Lilium Mapira

Lilium Gomera

Lilium Purple Eye

Lilium Pink Flight

Lilium Red Power (you like red check this one out)

Lilium Red Twin

These ones are a double colour, but are very nice.

Lilium Forever Susan

Lilium Rosellas Dream

Lilium Anastasia

Lilium Beverly Dreams

Lilium Happy Memories

Lilium Perfect Joy

I know a few names, but to be honest some of the above pinched off the internet, just between you and me ?

A little bit of information for you, lilies do best in a position of full sun, with their roots in rich and fairly moist soil, but it needs to be free-draining soil, damp conditions can rot your bulbs, don’t let them dry out and give them a feed every couple of weeks in the summer.

What can cause a bit of a problem is the makeup of your garden soil, Oriental lilies prefer an acidic soil or “ericaceous compost” if you can grow Azaleas, Heathers or Rhododendrons in your garden you should be ok with Lilies, some of the plants I just mentioned will not grow in my garden, so my Rhododendron is in a large pot, and every year I remove some of the old compost and then replace with fresh.

Asiatic lilies like neutral to alkaline soil or multi-purpose compost, so if the Lilie you like prefers an Ericaceous Compost, consider planting them up in a container? Another tip if you are planting in a container is to stand the container on some proper container feet or house bricks, this lifts the container off the ground and helps drainage a bit more. I know a lady that has grown some super looking Lillies, all in pots, a lovely display, so I asked the question, “Where do you get your bulbs from?” her reply the local supermarket!!!!! Which ever ones you decide to go for, all the instructions should be on the back of the packet, and let us know how you get on.

I nearly forgot to mention, if you are going to plant them in the ground, at the bottom of your planting hole, put in a good handful of grit, and if your soil is clay like, mix some grit into that as well.


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Lee Garden Ninja

Wow! Thank you so much! This information is everything for me!

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Lee Garden Ninja
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