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    Choosing a tree for a sunny garden


    I want to plant a tree in my sunny south garden which can also get quite windy.  I have two silver birches already there and would like the tree to go alongside them on the boundary at the back.  I don’t want my new tree to grow too big.  Have been thinking perhaps an Amelanchier but would welcome any other suggestions.  I am thinking of a medlar tree over the other side at some point.   Any input gladly received.  Big thanks I’m new on here today.


    Hi @sarah-l

    Thanks for getting in touch about choosing trees for your garden. Trees are a wonderful addition to any garden no matter what size and my view is every new build house should come with at least one tree planted in the back garden and one in the front for wildlife, flood defence and privacy. (You may be able to tell how much I love trees!!) 

    Based on your silver birch and the fact you don’t want it to get too big then a Medlar would be a fabulous tree to include. Not only because they are rare but because of their winter fruits. I’ve written about Medlars here extensively!!

    Fruit trees are great for all garden sizes as they encourage pollinators like bees and are often overlooked. But they serve as early nectar and pollen which our honey bees really need. 

    Have a look at Medlar ‘Nottingham’ which is self fertile so will fruit without other Medlar trees being present. You can buy them online as you g whips and they’re fuss free to plant and grow. Super slow without taking over. You won’t regret it!

    Happy gardening!


    Sarah L has reacted to this post.
    Sarah L

    Thank you v much I love medlar trees and keep looking them up, so will go and buy one.


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