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Cutting back garden palm

Hi guys

this is my garden palm.( Im not sure of the plant name) I want to take off the bottom parts and just have the top part sticking up in summer. Bit like your hair Lee!

Do I trim it all right back or leave it long?

Im planting wild underneath it so need the light.

Thanks in advance


Hey @wesley

Could you post a picture to help using the toolbar above where you can upload an image. 

That way we can all help you better to identify the plant. 



Here you go thanks

Uploaded files:
  • A8604767-4FC8-4A6F-B5EC-E00F9528F9FF.jpeg

Hi @wesley

Many thanks for the picture of your palm and question about pruning.

Pruning Palm Trees:

The thing to remember with palms is that their growth comes apical - from the very top. They don't regenerate from lower down the trunk or stem. They grow in increments each year when other leaves fall off, revealing a new trunk segment. Think the palms in Miami or Florida.

When pruning palms it's best to cut off the lower leaves that have turned brown but leave the green fresh leaves; removing these too early can lead to an undeveloped trunk as it grows.

So my advice would be to cut the brown leaves way back to the trunk but leave the green.

Cutting palm leaves in half:

Cutting the leaves in half should always be avoided as this causes them to crisp up and look ugly. They also will eventually die so it's not advisable.

It may be that this palm needs to be lifted and placed elsewhere if you want to plant under it or appreciate it as its own specimen!

Hope that helps.


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