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Disease identification for Philodendron Jungle Boogie

Hi All!

I am a novice plant keeping and wondered if anyone could tell me what the problem is with my plant and how I might solve it. Most of the leaves have yellow spots and some are now growing through with yellow bits.


Grateful for any help!


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Hi @charlottenrw

Thanks for your comment.

The yellowing of the leaves and spots looks like chlorosis.

Plant chlorosis refers to a condition where the leaves of a plant display a yellowing or whitening of their normal green colouration. Chlorosis occurs due to a decrease in the production or availability of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for the green colour in leaves. It is often a symptom of an underlying problem or stress affecting the plant's ability to carry out photosynthesis effectively.

Usually, chlorosis in plants is due to a nutrient deficiency. Looking at the small pot its in, it may be that it needs potting on into a large pot with fresh compost and or given regular liquid feeds. You can watch more on the different types of plant feed below in my video guide.

That should sort it!

I hope that helps!


CharlotteNRW has reacted to this post.

Hi Lee

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I’ll try repotting it tomorrow with some fresh compost and see how it goes this week.

Thanks again!


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