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Ivy removal from flower beds

I have ivy growing in my garden over the low fences surrounding my garden, I don’t mind it and would like to keep it but how do I get control of it. It covers the ground as well. I did have to cut some of it away as it began strangling some small shrubs. Should I encourage it to eradicate it completely. 

Hi Lin,

Ivy can be both a wonderful garden plant and also a bit of a curse if its left to run rampant.

Ivy does offer a great habitat for wildlife and birds in the winter however, you definitely want to be able to control its spread.

The best way is to manually remove ivy, usually pulling it up by hand is easy enough. I have ivy down my drive at home. Some parts I love and leave others I remove by hand and with my hori hori tool. I never use weed killer in my garden as I garden organically. The other issue is that sprays don't really touch ivy as it has glossy leaves. Weedkillers tend to drip off and just kill other plants. I would always advise manual removal.

Have a look at my organic weeding guide here and the video below for more.

Happy weeding!

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