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Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

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Philadelphus Problems

Since my husband died, I've taken on the garden and am trying to teach myself as I go along. I stumbled on your absolutely fantastic YouTube videos last night and, from there, onto this site. I've been busy deadheading rudbeckia and helenium like crazy this morning! I planted a Philadelphus Snowbelle last year and would like some advice on what to do with it. TBH it doesn't seem to be growing much, certainly no flowers throughout the Summer, although there are a couple of little shoots starting to come through. I would appreciate any advice on how to care for it, any problems you can see and when and how to prune it. Thanks so much.


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Hi @diane-g

Firstly, I'm so sorry for your loss. That must be incredibly hard and my Ninja thoughts go out to you. Secondly, I'm glad you've got a garden s your new companion. They are incredible healers. Thirdly, thank you for the brilliant comments about my YouTube channel and for finding the Garden Ninja resource!

With Philadelphus, they can be quite messy and bothersome shrubs to get started. When they do, they flower like mad for about 3-4 weeks making their drama worthwhile!

The first thing to suggest is untying it completely. Let it sprawl. Any parts that get in your way are pruned off in winter when it is bare. Follow my pruning guide here for that.

They are messy as they soon get floppy and a bit uncontrolled when they get to size but don't let that put you off. Given your current Philadelphus a good mulch this autumn with peat free compost like this one.

That should sort it out ready for next year. Once established, you can be brutal with them and even take softwood cuttings to make more - watch my guide below which I show you on a Philadelphus!

Keep up the excellent work Diane!


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